There she was, blissfully innocent and contented in life!She was single and happy... until he came into her life and
stirred the serene peace.He did have a lot of things that a charmer must, but little did she know,a conscientious mind he didn't.He stood facing her, looked deep into her eyes and asked "I love you.Do you love me too?".Here's the priceless moment captured on my cam:

n thus began the story...He
used her as much as he could; the frolicsome duo had all the fun n frolic they could.Wow!It was fun clicking this one at the cost of intrusion of their privacy :

Then came the time to move beyond frolic."Iam weak and wary now,I need your support" she said.He scorned at her and thoughtlessly
disposed her off.Once a priceless possession, she was now a price-less one.He walked away without a second look and she continued to shout her throat hoarse until she could shout no more.She could shout no more, for she had grown dumb with the shock of having been let down.He turned his back on her and inhumanly walked away:

The caption of this post - "stir-use-dispose" might sound much like the instructions on a tea bag.Little would it occur to any reader at the first sight, that this could indicate a nauseating display of a "Mei mard hu.Kuch bhi kar sakta hu" male ego, leading to a social menace that has left thousands of hapless women at the mercy of a cruel fate. This was a very moving theme of a play that I recently watched.It was staged by my batchmates and was brilliantly executed to the last detail.Even humour was sprinkled upon such a sensitive theme!I hope to write about the play, some time soon on
My Weblog.For now, it suffices to summarize that it is a sneak peek into how a woman who is deceived into conceiving outside wedlock is mercilessly deserted by her loved one after his cheap pleasures are satisfied, and how she is then detested by society for the crime of infanticide that she is forced to commit in order to survive in a conservative society.I tried to weave the story around a few nice pics that I had clicked at the Alibag beach and here's the result.